Instruction for Authors of Accepted Papers
Authors are invited to prepare the final version of their papers using the LNCS LaTeX or Word templates and following the LNCS Guidelines that can be found at Springer Information for Authors of Computer Science Proceedings webpage. LNCS LaTeX templates are also available in Overleaf.
Springer strongly encourages the inclusion of ORCIDs in the publication. For more information see here.
Papers should not exceed 22 pages, including bibliography and appendices, LNCS style. Exceptions are possible. In case you need more space, contact us.
Camera ready will be submitted via Springer’s EquinOCS system. Authors should prepare:
- A ZIP file containing all LaTeX/Bib sources
- The final version of the paper in PDF
Authors should transfer the copyright to Springer by signing the Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author must sign the form on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper, having gained their permission to do so. He or she signs for and accepts responsibility for releasing the material on behalf of any and all co-authors. The corresponding authors should also be available to check the paper before it is published. The preparation of the Consent-to-Publish form is part of the EquinOCS submission procedure.
Authors employed by US Government contractors or US Government departments may have to sign an alternative form. It is imperative that such authors contact their legal departments and also get in touch with us as soon as their paper has been accepted.
Camera ready submission: July 17th
Author Registration: July 17th.
Submission Checklist
- Final version preparation
- Please consider all the comments received by the reviewers
- Format the final version using LNCS LaTeX or Word templates and following LNCS Guidelines. NOTICE: Latest Springer LaTeX style files appear to be incompatible with previous versions. Please DO NOT use your local style/class files. Download the (latest version of the) LaTeX package and use it to format your camera ready.
- Do not exceed 22 pages
- Include ORCID and email addresses for all the authors (Strongly suggested by Springer).
- Identify the corresponding author. He or she will be contacted to carry out a proof check. The email address of the corresponding author is mandatory.
- Final version submission:
- Create a single archive (zip, gz, tgz) containing all the following:
- LaTeX source files with all the associated style files, special fonts, eps
- bibTeX files for references
- Create a PDF version of the paper
- Submit the final version using Springer’s EquinOCS. Instructions are provided here.
- Preparation and signing of the Consent-to-publish form is part of the EquinOCS procedure.
- Create a single archive (zip, gz, tgz) containing all the following: