SCN Registration

To register for SCN 2024 please:

  1. Fill in the form below.
  2. Pay the registration fee either by credit card or by bank transfer. Complete registrations will be acknowledged via email.

Registrations and payments are managed by the travel agency Barbirotti Viaggi.

Registration deadlines:

  • AuthorsJuly 17, 2024 (At least one author of every accepted paper must register by this deadline to ensure that the paper will be included in the proceedings.)
  • Early registrationJuly 31, 2024
AuthorsBefore July 17Late
Author registration (First paper)380 €NA
Each additional paper registration280 €NA
ParticipantsEarly Registration
(Before July 31)
Registration Fee380 €430 €

The registration fees cover the expenses for the organization of the conference and includes welcome cocktail on Tuesday 10th, coffee breaks, social dinner. Accomodation and meals (with the exception of the social dinner) are not included. Remember to reserve your room (see the Accomodation page) soon.

Payment options:

  • Credit card (online payment only). You will be redirected to an online payment system. You will need to specify the registration fee, use the “reference” tab to specify your name and, if you are a presenter, the paper number(s).
  • Wire transfer: all bank charges paid by the payer.